About Me

Hello there!

My name is Sidonie Bouthors, a Computer Science student at EPFL in Switzerland.
On this website, I bring together two of my passions: cooking and programming. So, whether you're here to whip up a delicious meal, dive into coding adventures, or simply connect with a fellow enthusiast, I hope you find something that sparks your curiosity and brings a smile to your face.

Thank you for visiting!

Computer Science

Bachelor Degree (Ongoing)

Currently approaching the end of my second year

Mentoring (2022)

Mentor at EPFL for 15 first year students

Student Assistant - Software Construction (2023)

I am working as a Student Assistant for the new upcoming Software Construction course. As a member of the teaching team, I contribute to the development and delivery of this course, which is part of the Computer Science Bachelor reform at EPFL. It's an exciting opportunity to be involved in shaping the curriculum and assisting second-year Bachelor students in their learning process.

Why EPFL ?

I chose EPFL for its renowned bachelor's programs taught in both French and English, offering a more international environment compared to traditional French engineering schools. The university's flexibility enables me to engage in extracurricular activities, student organizations, and personal projects alongside my studies. This freedom allows me to tailor my learning experience to suit my preferences and explore my interests. EPFL's exceptional academic reputation, combined with its open and adaptable approach, has made my educational journey fulfilling and enriching.








Catering Manager

Catering Manager for ICeLAN, an 25 hour event with 150 people

Team Member

Various projects

CLIC is a student organisation for the Computer Science and Communication Systems students. It organises various events

Head of IT

Website maintenance and various other tech projects coming soon!

S4S (Students 4 Students) is an entirely free, student-led pre-entry week for new Bachelor students, giving them the opportunity to discover EPFL, make new friends, and review highschool material in a stress free way before the start of the semester.

Human Ressources Manager

  • Selecting the course representatives, assistants, speakers, and course developpers
  • Coordinate and facilitate communication between all of the event staffs

Assistant & Course Developer

  • Creating the class material and exercice sets
  • Helping students during the exercice sessions
  • Subjects I participated in : Analysis I, Linear Algebra, AICC I, Physics


SGDF (Scout et Guides de France) since 2013

Scout Leader

I was a scout leader for a year before I began my Bachelor, but I still do camps over the Summer.

  • Louveteaux & Jeanettes, 8-11 years (2021)
  • Scouts & Guides Summer Camp, 11-14 years (July 2022)

Youth Work Diploma

BAFA (Brevet d'Aptitude a la Fonction d'Animateur)

Obtained in 2022 through the SGDF movement


Winner of the competition two years in a row (2022 & 2023)

First Tech Challenge UK

  • Designing, building and programming a robot
  • Working in a team of 10-15 people
  • Results at Cambridge Regional Competition 2020:
    • 1st in the qualification matches
    • 3rd place overall


I created this website to learn front-end web development, specifically HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Most of it was built during my last year of high school, including the recipes you see here. Now, I am focused on expanding its content, improving my CSS skills, enhancing accessibility, and aligning with best practices in website development. My aim is to continuously enhance the user experience and adapt to the evolving web development landscape.


Another reason for creating this website was to showcase my favorite recipes. I became passionate about cooking during high school, especially after becoming a vegetarian. Exploring new recipes and techniques became an interesting challenge.
While I continue to cook a lot, I have faced challenges in regularly uploading new recipes to this website. Writing a recipe is time-consuming, involving ingredient measurements, cooking times, and clear instructions. It also requires capturing appealing photographs with suitable presentation and lighting.
As a result, I haven't been able to post many recipes recently, and some of the existing ones may not reflect my current cooking style. I appreciate your understanding as I try to balance maintaining this website with the demands of my time consuming studies. Despite the limited number of recent recipes, I hope the ones I have shared still inspire you to cook new dishes and try new recipes.


These are some languages I've learnt since I started coding, either through personnal projects or through my Bachelor courses:








