Blend everything together and adjust seasonings as you go
- Chickpeas
- Olive oil
- Lemon juice
- Tahini
- Cumin
- Salt
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I created this page to share simple recipes without the hastle of figuring out ingredient amounts, cooking times or detailed instructions.
The main takeaway here is that none of these are really recipes, and you shouldn't try to follow any of them exactly. They are mainly for inspiration. Choose your own ingredients, use your own techniques, and hopefully find some ideas here!
Blend everything together and adjust seasonings as you go
Simmer whatever you prefer all together in a pot
Add some toppings!
Cook the onions, add the spinach until wilted, then spread it out in the pan and add beaten eggs
Wash your rice and cook one part rice in one part coconut milk and half a part water
Sauté the broccoli until tender, add the glaze and reduce until sticky
Serve your rice and broccoli, and top it off with a soft egg or some coriander if you feel like it!
Cook the onions and bell pepper, add the crushed tomato, and let simmer. Then make some wells for the eggs, crack them in, and let the whites cook through
Temper the whole spices in some oil (don't let it burn!) then add the onion, garlic & ginger. Once that is all cooked, add the tomato, powder spices and lentils (precooked, or just add them raw with a bunch of water and let everything simmer 20min)
Eat this with some basmati rice and fresh coriander, and maybe some Raita on the side
To make Raita just dice up everything nice and small and combine
Chop everything into large chunks, boil until soft, blend everything together
Chop everything into large chunks, boil until soft, blend everything together
Chop the carrots into a julienne, and the garlic & ginger until fragrant, then add the glaze and simmer until sticky
I make the glaze very strong and eat it over white rice with green onion on top
Onion and bell peppers first, garlic and spices next, then crushed tomato, and at the very end kidney beans and corn